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Sales platform

Buying/selling a draft horse

The years and years of development of the website has ensured that we have a wide network of enthusiasts and breeders, both in Belgium and abroad. For both we want to be a reliable party that connects the draft horse.
In the past we already helped several foreigners to find their way in the "world of Belgian and Dutch draft horses". Based on conversations with these people, we have listed their biggest difficulties and worked out a solution: an online sales platform for draft horses. Foals, young horses, broodmares, etc. are offered through this channel, and can be bought directly from the breeders in the most possible discreet way.

How does it work ?

 You are a buyer  You are a seller

Why this platform?

For small breeders it is often difficult to sell their breeding products, which means they often have to sell to traders at lower prices. On the other hand, it is difficult for foreign enthusiasts to find access to the often ’closed’ draft horse world. Moreover they often do not have the opportunity to come to Belgium to view horses themselves and they have to assume with ’good fate’ that the seller acts correctly and cooperates with all the formalities that the sale brings. Stories from several foreign contacts teached us that it does not always go smoothly and this type of experiences harm the draft horse breeding as a whole.

Sales platform

We developed a sales platform where breeders can offer their horses for sale. We ensure that the information is correct and as complete as possible. Potential buyers can view the horse and make a bid that is sent anonymously to the seller. The seller in return can respond by refusing the offer, accepting it or making a counter offer.
In this way, buyer and seller can communicate with each other discreetly.

You don’t find what you are looking for within the offered horses? Or do you require further personal assistance with your purchase? Then we will gladly help you out. Please fill in this form and send it to us.

» Click here for all Brabant Draft horses for sale


Do you have any more questions? Please feel free to contact us:

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